How Participants are growing from this program

“Working with Sonya in this program has not only taught me so much about myself, but it has taught me a lot about the people in my life. I have learned how to empathize with what others may be going through, instead of judging them for not acting the way I think they should. It has also taught me to not be so hard on myself. I can now stay much calmer in stressful situations making it easier to think about what the best course of action is in any given situation. Having a person guiding me through this program was very helpful as well, because it helped me be accountable for continuing the program as well as having someone I could ask questions to if I didn't understand an aspect of the program. Having the pod meeting every week also helped me with that, as well as helping me see other perspectives, which in turn helped me have empathy for others. Overall, I would recommend this program to anyone who wants to better themselves as well as their relationships, whether they be personal or professional.”
— Rhonda (Mother, Philanthropist & Gardener Extraordinaire)

“Sonya has taught me to improve my life in ways I had hoped was possible, but didn't know how to accomplish. As an expert in her field, she is a non-judgmental professional who is always looking to help her clients grow. She is a gifted counselor who cares about integrity and celebrates even the little wins toward progress. Through her work, she is also a well-balanced champion for women and girls. And, she proves it is never too late to follow your passion.”

-Antonia (Senior Demand Manager, Mother)


“Sonya is a rare find - an incredible coach who brings insight, grace, energy and support combined with deep expertise in emotional intelligence, facilitation and leadership development. She is a great listener and works with you to understand your personal goals. I had the opportunity to go through one of her Positive Intelligence Programs and it was transformational – she was a stellar coach and advisor throughout and a joy to work with.” - Melissa (Consultant, Mother)

I have gained the ability to calm the chatter in my head and have more focus and positivity towards challenges and others. Sonya is knowledgeable, professional, caring, and has incredible insight that helped me through this process.
— Sandra (Entrepreneur, Interior Designer, Mother)

“Sonya Moore -Wells is one of the best coaches I have met. She is consistent at holding her clients accountable and helping them reach their life goals, and does it with such tender loving care. I am beyond grateful for her coaching programs and her expertise in EQ and PQ. Sonya is a supporter of women, personal growth, and wise beyond her years. It has been an honor to work with her, collaborate with her, and see her role as a Positive Intelligence coach. I am beyond excited to share her with my friends, clients and teams. Her girls’ leadership expertise and corporate coaching experience adds to her ability to be an effective PQ coach. Thank you Sonya!” - Susan (Executive, Mother) 


I’m often skeptical towards self-development courses, but the Positive Intelligence Program was incredibly impactful and I strongly recommend it for any person - regardless of their age or profession - that’s looking to face the ups and downs of life with greater clarity, positivity and resilience. I’ve learnt tools and lessons throughout the course that will stick with me for the rest of my life and have allowed me to start flexing powerful mental muscles that will help me to cultivate career success and develop more meaningful relationships (personally and professionally). Sonya is an incredible mentor, she’s extremely intelligent and leads the program with empathy and enthusiasm. I highly recommend taking this program with Sonya if you want to ensure you get the most value out of it.
— Jordan (Sales Executive)