2024 Sessions:
Session for Moms:
Mondays 4:30-5:30 PST
*****SESSION FULL*****

Session for Moms:
Tuesdays 9-10am PST
*****SESSION FULL*****

Don’t see a time that works? Contact me, I’m adding new sessions as they fill and also have 1:1 coaching available.

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taking an active role in your well beinG

For women looking to find their rhythm with more calm and less anxiety

Time for yourself? Ya, right. For so many women, the concept of finding that calm, magic moment just to breath is impossible. Between time for family and/or time at work, every women I talk with right now is feeling overwhelmed and often not being able to feel their best at anything. In a time where women are attempting super woman status, carrying the emotional weight at home and neglecting their own growth, the overwhelm can leave you with anxiety, sleepless nights, poor performance at work and personal disappointment.

Unfortunately, life’s challenges aren’t going to stop coming at you. However, the way in which you engage and manage through the challenges can help relieve many of those resulting symptoms. Women I work with are looking to feel less like imposters attempting to hold it all together, and be more kind to themselves by eliminating the self judgement and learning ways to be present both at home and work.

I help women identify the saboteurs that create negative thoughts and feelings that get in the way of leading a life with more integrity, presence, self confidence and contentment. Finding your rhythm and being choiceful and in control of how you want to live your life is absolutely possible.

You can build the emotional fitness muscles needed to navigate your life’s challenges with clarity and focus.  Most of us were not taught how to develop these muscles. It’s astonishing how much time and money is spent on EXTERNAL fitness, beauty and wellness, and how little we invest in developing the INNER strength needed to feel more like the real you.  Let’s change the paradigm!

Listen to participants share their experience

“Working with Sonya in this program has brought significant value to my family and I by simplifying the way I navigate obstacles/issues.  It has given me new tools to approach these in a calm and productive way.  My stress levels have reduced by 90% as long as I do the work.  When I say work, I mean time to myself to listen, comprehend and put into motion these great tools.”

- Dominique (Mother, Professional)

How to build emotional fitness

We begin by identifying your Saboteurs (those negative internal voices that derail you) by taking a quick assessment. Then we work together to give you the skills you need through a combination of proven learning techniques: insight (videos), skill building (daily app) & support/accountability (professional coaching the entire way through)

  • 8 weekly group coaching remote sessions with Sonya and a small group of women for support and shared learning (or 1:1 private coaching with Sonya is available for focused challenges).

  • Weekly videos which guide you through experiential exercises to deepen your understanding of mental fitness tools, leaving you inspired for the week’s topic (1 hour released each weekend)

  • 2 months access to an exclusive app which reinforces skill building through daily mental exercises, coaching challenges and reflections (only 2 minutes, 3x per day = 15 mins/day)

  • A copy of The New York Times best selling book, Positive Intelligence.

  • Participants have access to my 25 years’ experience of building leaders, emotional intelligence training, communication skills, conflict management, managing a department of a Fortune 500 organization, running my own consulting practice and being a mother.

  • You will also meet other women who will learn, listen and share their experiences if you choose to join a POD group.

IS this for you?

The right participant will be committed to making changes by engaging in a program (~ 2 hours per week) that will develop the emotional fitness muscles needed to approach life’s challenges with more ease, less anxiety and higher productivity.   If that sounds like a lot of time, consider how much wasted energy you have in your life right now from worrying, feeling tired and anxious. You don’t have to be a parent or work outside the home to register.

Note: If you are a Zen master and have all the answers, with full access to all of your emotions, then this program is not a fit for you!  Learner mindsets learn more.


My Guarantee: If at the end of the program, you have completed all exercises and required commitments, but did not receive personal benefit, then I will refund the entire investment, but have never had to!

What’s Next?